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Why Smart Buildings Matter: Join the Smarter Buildings of Tomorrow Summit

A modern Smart Building lit up with signal pings and lights.

Smart building technologies represent the future of the built environment, leveraging tech to deliver never-before-possible awareness and control of buildings.  In the simplest terms, they use IoT to connect various systems and automate processes to optimise operations like HVAC, lighting, security, and more based on real-time data and environmental conditions. And, as the world’s leading […]

Pioneering a Smart, Sustainable Hand Hygiene Revolution: Unveiling the Amazing Success of Savortex in Hand Hygiene Technology

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving world, hand hygiene has taken center stage, with individuals and organizations emphasizing the importance of clean and safe environments. At the forefront of this movement is Savortex, a trailblazing company that has revolutionized hand hygiene technology. With their innovative approach and commitment to excellence, Savortex has emerged as a leader […]

How Smart Internet-enabled Technology Can Transform your Building Facilities

The Savortex smart ranges are equipped with a sensor that tracks the health and energy usage of hand dryer units in real time, enabling building managers to use the data for CSR reporting to meet trackable sustainability targets. The smart solution notifies cleaners about necessary services and maintenance requirements, ensuring uninterrupted washroom servicing based on […]

The World’s Most Energy-Efficient Hand Dryers

With the Savortex EcoCurve Hand Dryer, Savortex has set a new standard for energy efficiency and sustainability. This product is perfect for high-traffic areas such as public restrooms, schools and restaurants. Its unique design and patented technology make it the ideal solution for environments with high footfall. The EcoCurve Hand Dryer consumes less energy than […]

6 Ways Savortex Smart Hand Dryers Help Facilitate Sustainability

Did you know that the typical hand dryer uses as much electricity in an hour as a refrigerator? That’s why so many facility managers are implementing Savortex Smart Hand Dryers into their facilities. Not only do they save energy and help reduce costs, but they’re also eco-friendly and help facilitate sustainability initiatives. Here are six […]

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